Monday, July 6, 2009

Easy Listening

As one raised on hard rock and the like, I've never found a great spot in my heart for soft rock/jazzy tunes. That all changed over the course of an eight-hour trans-Atlantic flight Saturday, when I discovered the brilliance of Norah Jones's debut record; it is the soundtrack for every rainy day I can remember. And with my documented attraction to talent, she is also getting very near topping Kelly Clarkson on my Dreamgirl scale.
Also, Fleetwood Mac is absolutely onederful. Thanks to VH1 Classic for showing a concert yesterday and making me realize that what Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks do is almost exactly what I'd love to spend the rest of my life pursuing.
And I must also mention the sheer euphony that is the newest record from The Fray. That's a band that I never gave much of a chance but realized (thanks to some encouraging from my dear friend JC) is pretty grand.

So there's my latest random musical indulgence. I've found honey for a thirsty soul. I'd love to somehow find a deep connection for this stuff to the Jesus or something, but honestly I just felt like giving props to three artists for whom I've gained about 500% more respect in the past twenty-four hours or so. In that vein, I'd love to say that besides making the kind of music that makes me feel like floating in a fish tank, they're also lyrically fantastic. I think my "artistry" might take a new turn soon. I'd like to make people feel cloudless with my music.

And also, I'm trying to be more like Jesus now. I've come to admire that man quite a bit. He did (and I assume continues to) love perfectly. I'm not sure what that is in my life, and I know it's an impossible goal to attain, but I figure if I try enough ways something worthwhile will stick. I'm just glad I don't have to be perfect anymore...I believe I'll give Grace a high-five one day. It's changed my life more than I would have let it in previous days; I just hope I don't come to view it too cheaply.

Love you. I think it would be awesome to live in such a fashion as I didn't have to say that.

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